We cranked up the wood stove last night, to avoid another frigid night on the home front. Since the air intake for the central heating system is in the living room, and the blower system worked just fine, this produced plenty of nice warmth to circulate through the house.
The furnace dude has come and gone. After twiddling and fiddling, he determined that the pressure regulator on the carbon monixide venting system was on the fritz. He fixed it temporarily and is ordering a new switch. Anyway, now we have nice hot air coming out of the heating vents, woohoo!
For some reason, this makes me think of James Kim. Of course, I've been thinking of him and his family for a week now. Hereabouts we get families that get stuck in the snow on a regular basis--once a year, once every two years. Usually they're found before anyone dies.
But Kim's story has struck me more closely--a father, a mother, a four-year-old daughter, a baby--stuck in the snow, trying to figure out what to do. Except for the baby, that could be us. I first encountered the story in Blogging Baby...then I kept hitting bloggers mentioning the story, some of whom actually knew the Kims. It makes it more personal then.
The question I have is: is the "stay with your car" the best advice? Kim stayed with the car for a week before setting out on foot. Already weakened by cold, lack of food, stress...I don't know.
Technorati: Furnace, heat, wood stoves, James Kim

At 12/07/2006 11:49:00 AM, Johnny said…
I've been inside a stuck car wondering what to do next. However, I was in hot weather, in a small town (no one would lift a finger to help me). I had to think of what to do next. Not the same as this case, but I certainly understand a small portion of their plight.
I can see where, after a week of waiting for searchers, the options dwindled.