Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Baby, it's cold INSIDE
Grrr. After arranging to be home this morning, no furnace repairman showed up. I called. It turns out that the dude who rescheduled me rescheduled me for tomorrow morning. And told me "Wednesday". Today is Wednesday, isn't it? (I'm losing track of the days.)
The residual heat in the house is seeping out, bit by bit. It was 5F last night. Now the furnace is struggling (mightily) to keep the house at 60F.
I'm grumpy.
And cold.
Technorati: Furnace woes
posted by Kate @
12/06/2006 09:58:00 AM


At 12/07/2006 09:27:00 AM, Miss Cellania said…
Its Thursday now. Is it fixed?