In which the word "I" is preponderant, and some musings about discipline etc.
After the first few hours, when I was moping and sulking and MAD! AT! MYSELF! for blowing NaBloPoMo, I was gifted with an amazing feeling of freedom and relief.
No more looming deadlines! No more watching the clock! No more muttering to myself as I trekked through my daily routine, " that a good subject?" or "Omigod, I don't have a post today! What am I going to do?!"
At first, I was starting the posts the day before, tweaking and adding things the next morning and then *BLAM* posting them.
Then I went down the hill to visit OmegaGranny for the evening, and that pleasant, relaxing, well-ahead-of-the-curve style of posting went out the window (but it was worth it!). Suddenly, it was much more pressure than before.
I've always wisted a bit after having a daily column in a newspaper somewhere. As a result of this exercise, I think all NaBloPoMo-ers have a better understanding of just how difficult it can be to keep at it, every day. Now I just want a column every three days. That's doable!
I had resolved not to do fluff posts. No lists for me! No memes! No post-a-pics! Not one word about the project itself! No "here's my obligatory NaBloPoMo post for the day" hit-and-runs. Which I did manage to do. But it's damned hard to have that deadline and that pressure--blogging has been mostly a work of love (and self-indulgence) for me.
All that said, here's to all the NaBloPoMo-ers! Keep on keeping on, guys & gals, and may you enjoy yourselves and learn something from the exercise.
In the end, the question of how to pronounce NaBloPoMo. At first, I was reading it as "Nah-blow-poe-moe", which is intensely awkward. But suddenly, one day, I looked at it as a word, and realized how it's really pronounced: "Nah-BLOP-ah-moe". I leave my fellow NaBloPoMo-ers with that gift.

At 11/19/2006 10:14:00 AM, Granny J said…
At 11/20/2006 12:35:00 PM, said…
At 11/21/2006 08:09:00 PM, Kate said…
Mamasan--You have a different style on your blog. I do picture-laden posts now & then, but it's not my focus.
LizC--I'm sorry! I always pictured that gun pointed at me, not at my readers! NaBloPoMo = National Blog Posting Month, a take-off on NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month. NaNoWriMo requires 50,000 words; NaBloPoMo requires a post a day. (When I'm feeling ambitious, I will go through those posts and switch out the icon to something less threatening.)
And I was getting used to a regular post from my dahling dotter...looking forward to it, even... everyday! A little secret:
the pictures make it much easier!