Monday, February 13, 2006
A daydream
Mrs. Figby recently wrote about missing the city, and how she wished she could find a way to live part-time there, while still enjoying the rural life on her island.
This reminds OmegaMom of an old daydream she had, when OmegaDotter was newly home, and OmegaMom was wandering around in a haze of sleep deprivation and slightly stunned new-mommyhood.
At the time, OmegaMom's place of work had experienced something of a baby boom; it seemed that every time one turned around in the IT department, yet another woman was pregnant. So, when the Omegas returned home with an almost-one-year-old, OmegaMom "joined the pack", as it were. There were hordes of sleep-deprived mommies roaming the hallways, describing to each other new ways that their (very longed-for) darlings were finding to wear them out.
OmegaMom began daydreaming of the Society of Geeky Gals, as we described ourselves, finding a nice spot of acreage (say, 20 acres or 40 acres)--like this:
(It would have to be within easy driving distance of the Geeky Gals, which, OmegaMom can assure you, this little plot isn't.) Then we'd buy it. Then we'd put up a cute little one-bedroom log home on it--like this:
Then...ah, then.
The thought was that there would be seven of us in on this dealie. We'd furnish the little log cabin in fairly neutral furniture, with one set of good, sturdy kitchen pots and pans and equipment, plus a good wine cellar and a damned fine entertainment system. Then each of us would have our own cubbie in the cabin that had our own special hand-picked accessories: bedclothes in the colors we liked, throw pillows in our own style, bath linens and shower curtains, and some pieces of artwork.
Then, every two weeks, each of us would get two days, BY OURSELVES (ahhh, blessed peace and quiet!) in this cabin. With our own stuff. With our own music. Our own food--whether it be Marie Callendar's frozen dinners and Leggos, or homemade Indian curry for dinner and omelets for breakfast.
Ahhhh. What a daydream it was!
Alas, reality kicked in almost immediately. OmegaMom got laid off in the Great Layoffs of ought-oh-two (which affected OmegaMom in ought-oh-three, sort of a delayed reaction that had to do with a contract). One of the moms immediately got pregnant again, and now had two sleep-deprivation machines going at once. Another mom moved.
But now and then, that daydream seeps back into OmegaMom's consciousness, and she wists after it.
(On one of my many boards, a similar idea has surfaced, but this time it's a commune--one of OmegaMom's deepest wishes and desires, at the time, was for peace and quiet and alone time. Though there are times when OmegaMom longs for a wife, which a commune might be handy for.)