At 2/12/2006 12:35:00 PM, said…
At 2/12/2006 07:28:00 PM, ©Jac said…
At 2/12/2006 07:45:00 PM, Julie Pippert said…
At 2/12/2006 07:48:00 PM, Momma Star said…
At 2/12/2006 08:48:00 PM, Kate said…
Anocat--It's interesting, but I think that maybe hereabouts people have more boys than girls? It's the only reason I can think of that there seem to be many more boys' clothes than girls' at the local Tarzhay. But, yeah, they do tend towards the khaki/navy/olive/deep red, which is, in its own way, just as obnoxious as the pink, pink, pink, purple, and frills.
Jac--I may try it out!
Julie--I didn't care *what* she wore, just that she'd *decide* on something! After many moons of her waffle, waffle, waffling, I did the "uniform", and it has worked nicely since.
Momma Star--Sigh. Hannah has some very nice stuff. Maybe I'll have to check on eBay. No matter how long it lasts, the thought of spending so much on one item of apparel for a kiddo who grows when you turn around--eek! -
At 2/13/2006 03:01:00 AM, said…
When I painted the nursery I went for white and pink in a big way and loved it at the time. Now, stuck in Wait Limbo, I've had time to reflect and I'm desperate for some primaries and non-pinks in there. Also, out buying clothes for my new nephews I realised I like baby boy clothes a whole lot better. I got the cutest ever parka (in olive) for the 5 month old and I'm SO stealing it for Little E when she gets here, mid-summer or no mid-summer.
At 2/13/2006 08:17:00 AM, Unknown said…
I felt exactly the same (but opposite) when my boys were small because the approved clothes palette for boys is so DULL ! Navy, military olives, browns, dark greens and khakis, camoflage patterns... All this whilst the little girls aisles were full of beautiful colours! What's more, there are at least twice as many racks of girls' clothes as boys' clothes. Why can't we have gorgeous but gender-neutral clothing for our kids?