Friday, February 10, 2006
More cowbell!
Oh, dear.
The Turin Winter Olympics officially opened today.
"The program opened with a tribute to the seven countries abutting the majestic Alps--including Austria, Germany and France. Dancers wearing green sheaths pranced near brightly painted fake cows pulled on rollers. It was a homage to mountain life and livestock, and to cheer both, the stadium audience was supplied with the cow bells." said MSNBC. Earlier in the story: "The crowd jumped to its feet, dancing and shouting and ringing their souvenir cow bells."
Surely, OmegaMom being so behind the times as she is, surely she's not the only one whose immediate response was "More Cowbell!".
So, alas, glorious spectacle was reduced to sheer hilarity across the U.S. in certain circles.
posted by Kate @
2/10/2006 02:45:00 PM


At 2/10/2006 07:35:00 PM, Momma Star said…
I almost fell off the couch when the local evening news guy uttered "more cowbell."