A "good enough" mom muses about alpha moms, adoption, computers, the State Of The World, Internet quirkiness, and the Kosmik All
How can something be so glorious and so sad at once?

Sara Krulwich/The New York Times 

In New York City, a building that has been a street art landscape for two decades is going to be converted to million-dollar condos. (New York Times; I think it requires a login.)

The developer, as a tribute, invited street artists to come do their artwork inside the building--with the proviso that the artwork would be covered over, cleaned off, torn out, painted, etc. once the construction workers moved in and development of the condos started.

This weekend is the grand event.  The building, at 11 Spring Street, is open for public viewing of the artwork for three days (it started Friday, and goes through Sunday).

Sic transit gloria artifex.


posted by Kate @ 12/16/2006 10:06:00 AM  
  • At 12/21/2006 05:15:00 PM, Blogger Kate said…

    BrooklynMama--I actually was thinking of your recent posts about changes when I wrote this up...I'll have to see if there's a follow-up article, with more pics of the inside art.

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Name: OmegaMom
Home: Southwest
About Me: Middle-aged mom of a 4-year-old adopted from China. Love science, debate, good SF and fantasy, hiking, music of almost every style. Lousy housekeeper. "Good enough" mom.
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