Thursday, August 10, 2006
Quick interlude
Who would have thought that "gross feet" was such a popular search term? However, I don't think I can really help the person who had the existential question, "Why do people have ugly toes?"
I have no idea why "ice cream social tradewinds elementary 2006" landed a hit on my blog, but it sounds like a great idea. Anyone up for an ice cream social?
I have no good advice for the person asking about "maintaining internet friendships". Perhaps, rather than searching on the question, you should to your internet friends?
I am deeply offended that "moms not looking good in photos" got a hit. Is this some commentary Google is making on my pics? On the other hand, I also got a Google hit on the very generic search "beauty". Excuse me while I simper.
To the person who searched on "blue ink grade school copier what was the machine called", I can only reply with another greatly popular search term: "ditto machine".
I don't want to know anything about "christy gets a hairbrush spanking". If it's any of the Christies I know, I really don't wanna know. Y'know?
You would be amazed at the number of people who get bugs in their broccoli; it appears to be much more common than I had thought. Johnny's answer was "pesticides"; mine is still "drown the bastards!"
posted by Kate @
8/10/2006 05:56:00 PM


At 8/10/2006 07:48:00 PM, RichardQuerin said…
Scouring your referrals I see. I take a look every so often and am usually surprised by what I find as well. Not knowing it at the time, but a title such as my post Camera Erotica can leave a whole lot of visitors to your blog disappointed by what they find - or don't find :)