At 2/16/2006 10:33:00 AM, said…
At 2/16/2006 11:04:00 AM, Momma Star said…
At 2/16/2006 03:24:00 PM, said…
This post reminded me of the last time I saw my nephew. He's such a little bugger (at the age of 3) that he is very well versed on the time out procedure. As a matter of fact, if he has done something wrong and is on the verge of being caught, he runs to his timeout chair before anyone can yell at him!
The last time that I saw him was at a family bar-b-que. He had smacked me in the head and my brother was making him apologize to me. My nephew didn't want to so my brother gave him an option: either aplogize or have a time out. The little sh!t ran right to his timeout chair, laughing the whole way! It seems to me that the whole timeout concept seems to have gone right over his head. That, and it's just not working! -
At 2/16/2006 05:17:00 PM, Stinky Mouse said…
Bedtime isn't an issue for us at our house, but that's because we found something that works for us. And I didn't get the feel that what you are doing doesn't work for you.
Like momma star said, "This works for every kid" theories are bulls**t.
We are on boy #3, a beautiful child (just like the other 2) but a completely unique person. Which is what makes each one of them so fascinating. -
At 2/17/2006 02:53:00 PM, said…
I am SO relieved you wrote this post because that's exactly our routine. I mean it's a routine of sorts, albeit an imperfect one. Dinner. Bath. Stories. Jammies. ANDWHENAREYOUGOINGTOFALLASLEEPFORTHELOVEOFGODPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE. You know. At least LSP slept solo last night. It's the least she could do for staying up til 11PM.
Sounds a familiar; in our house, Dad is easier to influence, too.