Just vote. Go and do it already. Don't waffle. It's your bloody duty as a U.S. citizen.
I don't care if you vote Republican or Democratic or Green Party or None of the Above. If you're a U.S. citizen, you have a ton of rights, and one major responsibility (well, plus jury duty, but that's a rant for a different day).
Also, don't whinge about the results if you don't vote. If you do vote, you get a "OmegaMom says I can complain" bumper sticker.
At 11/07/2006 07:04:00 AM, Miss Cellania said…
At 11/08/2006 08:21:00 AM, RenĂ©e said…
At 11/10/2006 09:31:00 AM, Kate said…
Miss C.--We, too, had a lot of local races with only one party/one person running.
Renee--It was kind of cool. Guess my tinfoil hattiness was totally unwarranted. Though there are some real tinfoil hat folks who are claiming that this was a way to dump the blame on Dems for a lot of stuff, then come roaring back in 2008.
PAGent--"Whinge". I am on some boards with English/Canadian types, and they use it regularly. I like it because it sounds so silly. I also like using it now and then so I'm not constantly whining about the constant whining in the household. :D (Though the constant whining is lowering to a simmer. Yay!)
Already done! What saddens me is the number of local elections that have only one party represented on the ballot. If I weren't looking to move away from here, I'd have to run for something next year.