A "good enough" mom muses about alpha moms, adoption, computers, the State Of The World, Internet quirkiness, and the Kosmik All
Whoa! Blogger in beta...

So Blogger/Blogspot has come out with a NEW! IMPROVED! blogging platform...in beta test right now. 

The big news:  CATEGORIES!!!  (They call them "labels".)

The so-so news:  Private blogs, by invitation only.  I'd rather see open blogs with password-protected posting ability, so that only some posts can be protected.

The bad news:  None of this works with Blogger templates yet; it all works with their gee-golly-wow "layouts".  Also, it's in beta now, so you can only play with it on the new system.  They claim you will be able to merge things once it goes live.

LiveWriter gripe:  You have to go into HTML view to insert a horizontal line (like the one up above).

THE SMELL is gone.  Water remains.

Or, at least I think THE SMELL is gone.  You can't really tell, because, like all car cleaning places, the cleaning agents they use have scents.  BIG scents.

Anyway, now we have to leave the windows cracked for a few days to let the insides dry out.

More substantive posts later.

Technorati: , , ,

posted by Kate @ 8/16/2006 07:44:00 PM  
  • At 8/16/2006 09:40:00 PM, Blogger Miss Cellania said…

    I read about this new blogger program... They've aaparently been real busy with this and that explains why they can't offer tech support to their existing users. Pfft!

  • At 8/17/2006 05:22:00 AM, Blogger josetteplank.com said…

    I'm so out of the loop!

    Anyway, I LOVE your new blog format! I can't wait to give the new templates a spin around the block.

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Name: OmegaMom
Home: Southwest
About Me: Middle-aged mom of a 4-year-old adopted from China. Love science, debate, good SF and fantasy, hiking, music of almost every style. Lousy housekeeper. "Good enough" mom.
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