A "good enough" mom muses about alpha moms, adoption, computers, the State Of The World, Internet quirkiness, and the Kosmik All
A door closes
So. DotterSecunda will not be Chinese. We were informed today that due to the sturm und drang a year and a half ago, China will not let us adopt for a few more years (unspecified amount of time). Oh, there are other options. We'll find something, I'm sure. But right now, even though we knew intellectually that this was a distinct possibility given the current tightening of requirements to adopt from China, it's tough. It's very different to think something is a possibility, and to be bluntly told, "Nope, sorry, no can do."
posted by Kate @ 6/13/2006 02:52:00 PM  
  • At 6/13/2006 03:42:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am so sorry that your second daughter will not be Chinese...or rather, that your plan to build your family needs to be changed. I cannot imagine how you are feeling, but wanted you to know that I am here sending you hugs and support. Keep us posted, and I hope you are well. (((((((cheesy but very sincere hugs)))))))))))))))))))

  • At 6/13/2006 03:45:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm sorry your plans are changing. I don't understand why..I must have missed something. But sending you support.

  • At 6/13/2006 03:53:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh no! I'm so very sorry. So very sorry, this is horrible news. This must be difficult news to deal with.

  • At 6/13/2006 04:22:00 PM, Blogger Johnny said…


  • At 6/13/2006 04:23:00 PM, Blogger Carol Anne said…

    I'm sorry, O.M. This has got to hurt in so many ways. You are right, there are other ways to build your family -- keep digging at it. Look for that open window, and invite that opportunity in.

    It sucks. I send hugs and sympathy.

  • At 6/13/2006 04:30:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


  • At 6/13/2006 04:45:00 PM, Blogger Space Mom said…

    I am sorry. But OmegaSecunda is out there somewhere!


  • At 6/13/2006 05:18:00 PM, Blogger MomEtc. said…

    I'm so sorry to read this. It must be quite a shock. DotterSegunda is somewhere though and you will all come together. You know, since you mentioned Vietnam and we've been thinking of adopting from Vietnam, I can't help but imagine us adopting around the same time, from the same country.

  • At 6/13/2006 05:18:00 PM, Blogger MomEtc. said…

    I'm so sorry to read this. It must be quite a shock. DotterSegunda is somewhere though and you will all come together. You know, since you mentioned Vietnam and we've been thinking of adopting from Vietnam, I can't help but imagine us adopting around the same time, from the same country.

  • At 6/13/2006 05:25:00 PM, Blogger Sara said…

    I think I missed something too. It can be shattering when life shifts gears on us. I hope a new door or window opens for you when you're ready.

  • At 6/14/2006 06:41:00 PM, Blogger ©Jac said…

    Omegamom, I am so sorry to hear that particular avenue is closed for you! ~Kind thoughts~ that what you do decide brings a lot of happiness to your family.

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Name: OmegaMom
Home: Southwest
About Me: Middle-aged mom of a 4-year-old adopted from China. Love science, debate, good SF and fantasy, hiking, music of almost every style. Lousy housekeeper. "Good enough" mom.
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