Friday, March 31, 2006
Advertising lost in translation
Naw, this isn't about ads in China or Mexico that simply don't make sense when translated.
It's about ads here in the U.S. that simply don't make sense--to OmegaMom, at least.
OmegaMom was going to illustrate this article with the particular ads in question, but as is life, as soon as she determined to write on this subject, the ads in question vanished from the face of the internet. Ain't that the way? (Update: OmegaMom, memory prompted by the following paragraph, did a new search and discovered the pics in question, woohoo!)
Quick note: Seems that Ji-In moved her blog for other reasons than the hordes of grumpy adoptive parents. However, I still feel the onslaught of self-justification and put-downs that she was receiving had something to do with it.
Quick note: Seems that Ji-In moved her blog for other reasons than the hordes of grumpy adoptive parents. However, I still feel the onslaught of self-justification and put-downs that she was receiving had something to do with it.
posted by Kate @
3/31/2006 07:00:00 AM


At 4/01/2006 04:22:00 AM, Miss Cellania said…
At 4/01/2006 07:55:00 AM, Kate said…
Miss C., I hate to say this, but when I quit smoking the last time, I went from 130 lbs to 165. It took me a year on WeightWatchers to drop the weight (then I started smoking again, sigh, don't *you* do that!). Anyway, try Weightwatchers, it does work, and these days there are really good recipes...
At this point I'm willing to try just about anything to get rid of this 10 pound quit-smoking bellyroll I recently produced. But the nicotine patches burned holes in my skin, so what would a diet aid do, seeing as its probably some kind of speed? And I certainly don't want to mix diet drugs with the Zyban.
But wearing a medicine patch of any kind is now tre chic!