OmegaGranny saw an ad in her local paper, and brought it to my attention. Do you think, she asked, OmegaDotter might like to see the Lippizaner stallions?
Is the Pope Catholic? Does the sun rise in the east?
In other words, yes.
We told her we were going to go see "dancing horses". She was thrilled. The show was grand. Here are some pics (I'd do a better job, but I'm not using my standard blogging tool):
Then we headed back to OmegaGranny's, and off to dinner at the Raven. Good eats, and live music, with live musicians. The dotter fell immediately in love with the guitar player, and flirted with him endlessly. When we left, she informed us, "I like that boy." OmegaGranny wanted to know how he compared to One and Only True Love, and wanted to know OOTL's name...I answered, "C.", and OmegaDotter, irked, said, "No! His name is Ben, and he's a big boy."
So, Ben, if you're out there, you have a fan. A quite enchanted fan.
(Sorry for the layout, folks!)

At 3/11/2007 12:33:00 PM, Rising Rainbow said…
At 3/11/2007 03:17:00 PM, said…
I'm invested from afar in the Dotter's horse fever... you might want to try to track down "White Stallion of Lipizza" by Marguerite Henry (or any of her books, really). I read that book so many times growing up. It's out of print, but you might have luck in the library (or you could splurge for 40 bucks to get it used on Amazon).
Another classic that she might love in a few years is "Talking of Horses" by Monica Dickens. I pretty much had that memorized by the time I was 11.
--stephanie -
At 3/12/2007 01:07:00 PM, Linda Dove said…
At 3/12/2007 08:38:00 PM, Kate said…
RR--We definitely did, though I didn't get a picture of the "sparkly horse", which was OmegaDotter's favorite (he did a "dance" to big band music, quite nice).
Stephanie--I will try to find it, thanks! We now have, of course, "The Miracle of the White Stallions" DVD, which has now been seen at least three times.
Sounds like you had a grand time.