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The Hunan situation in the news
The Washington Post has an article about the Hunan situation, "Stealing Babies for Adoption". Brian Stuy, of ResearchChina.org, who was quoted in the article, has a few comments. He has written about the Hunan situation a few times in the past; it's well worth searching out his other posts on the subject. His contention is that the people trafficking to the orphanages are typically people who are, one could say, "liaisons" between found abandoned children and good orphanages and between parents looking for an alternative and the same orphanages. From what I've read, the CCAA is ramping up to (a) encourage more domestic adoptions, and (b) really try to ensure that the orphanages that provide children for international adoption are on the up-and-up. But the problem remains: an infusion of hard U.S. currency into countries with economic difficulties (or, in the case of China, areas with economic difficulties) is almost guaranteed to bring on the type of corruption and baby-brokering/buying that has caused other countries to close off their international adoption programs. A lot of people who adopt from China do so because of the squeaky-clean reputation of the system. Large numbers of babies are abandoned, they are in orphanages, they need homes, the centralized system keeps all international adoptions on the same level, so there's no unpleasant surprises for adopting parents once they get to China. And, of course, if you know you want a daughter, given that 95% of the babies adopted from China are female, it would be the logical place to go. The question is, will the changes the CCAA is making keep the corruption level low? How many potential adopters are looking at the news and asking themselves, "Is this just the tip of the iceberg?", and then turning away from China? It would be nice if the government of China would practice transparency on this particular issue. The clampdown on news reportage (I seem to recall that the BBC reporter who ran the news on the trial wasn't there "officially") is a Bad Idea. Of course, it's very Chinese to keep a lid on news stories that paint a less-than-rosy picture of a situation; in the same case, it's very U.S.A.-ian to play "dueling points-of-view" with newspaper accounts. For those who would like a deeper understanding of Hengdong, here's a description written by a gentleman who made a special trip to China to learn more about the region where his daughter came from. Enjoy.
posted by Kate @ 3/12/2006 06:11:00 PM  
  • At 3/13/2006 02:36:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I found the article sensationalistic. Disturbing, and like a kick in the gut, but slanted overall. I'm not sure that an incident (as horrible as it is) in one orphanage means the entire system is corrupt, but from the way the article is written, it appears that way.

    Karen/Naked ovary

  • At 3/13/2006 03:50:00 PM, Blogger Kate said…

    Oh, yes, the article is definitely slanted. It makes it sound like all orphanages are getting babies from baby brokers, like all orphanage workers are skimming the dollars off the donation, like nothing's being fixed, etc. Whereas we know that plenty of orphanages/SWIs are using the donations to build new buildings with (wonder of wonders) central heat and air, getting new equipment, etc. From one second-hand report on APC from someone who knows the director of one of the big charity organizations, it seems that *some* orphanages are definitely corrupt, but in no way all of them (the charity director apparently blackballed a couple of orphanages because the workers simply took the goods donated and sold them). The question is, how will CCAA deal with this problem?

    But, yeah, the article is one-sided, which is irritating.

  • At 3/13/2006 10:20:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    After reading Kay Johnson's book Wanting A Daughter, Needing A Son-I have often wondered how willingly our dd's birth mother agreed to abandoning her baby girl or was she forced to do so by dd's birth father and paternal grandparents as Johnson seems to suggest is frequently the case.

    In my heart I believe the documentation/account of our dd's abandonment is based on what actually transpired for her in the first few days of her life-but the fact that this article makes me question her story at all makes me fear for the day when she has to read these accounts. I have made a habit of saving articles I read re. China since we brought our daughter home-so that some day she might read them and have a better understanding of what life may have been like for the average person-for her birth family-at the time she was born. Not all of the articles pertain to adoption or the abandonment of children. How do I share this article with her when she is older? It will be enough for her to process the facts of her abandonment as we know them. She is just about 4 and doesn't really get it yet but on some level she does get it because she is so sensitive and I know she still is affected by the loss of her foster mother-and me being the one to tear her away from her. It's just so much for our daughters to deal with and I know they will have to revisit this over and over again at different stages of development.

    Just wondering OmegaMom what your thoughts were reading the article in relation to how Omegadottir might react to a piece like this down the road?

  • At 3/14/2006 11:10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The more I delve into Brian Stuy (thank you google!), the less credibility I give to this issue, and the more of a sucker I feel to have been drawn into it. Shame on the WP to do an article based on "research" by Stuy.

    He's a good sensational writer, and looks to obtain some interesting info while traipsing through China, thanks to the $$$ sent in by parents for finding ads, but he's no scientist, and the evaluations are skewed.

    For once (and this doesn't happen often), I feel bad for the CCAA to have to deal with fallout from articles such as this.

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Name: OmegaMom
Home: Southwest
About Me: Middle-aged mom of a 4-year-old adopted from China. Love science, debate, good SF and fantasy, hiking, music of almost every style. Lousy housekeeper. "Good enough" mom.
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