Friday, January 13, 2006
The 'It' Girl
I was tagged by Johnny this morning. Johnny looked through his blogroll for folks who haven't been tagged; I was one.
What were you doing 10 years ago?
January, 1996. OmegaMom was having a grand ol' time working for a small firm in Lubbock, Texas, helping design and program an (at the time) revolutionary online backup system, learning all about C++, the MFC, the ins and outs of source code change control (we were using a three-ring binder, pen and paper, then discovered Source Safe). OmegaMom learned many valuable lessons at that job, including "people who have made millions as construction contractors simply do not comprehend that building software is not the same as building a building". They should have read this article...
The Omegas had just completed their first year of living together. OmegaMom no longer got roaring drunk and accusing Not-then-Mr. OmegaMom of ruining her life by taking her away from (beeeautiful) San Francisco and ensconcing her in (booooring) Lubbock whilst he completed his graduate degree. In fact, Not-then-Mr. OmegaMom had managed to demonstrate to OmegaMom that one can find beauty anywhere, that lying in bed at night listening to enormous flocks of Canadian geese pass overhead during their migration is a soul-enhancing experience, that one can find topography even around Lubbock (it's hard, but it's there), and that there's a thriving arts scene that somehow flourishes amongst the square yellow-brick one-story ranches with one row of tulips out front.
The Omegas were just beginning to realize that there Might Be A Problem with spawning little Omegas. OmegaMom promptly turned to Usenet newsgroups, discovered, and learned a boatload about the female reproductive system--which, she is embarrassed to admit, she had little to no knowledge about prior to that, aside from the fact that women had periods, that babies were made via sex, sperm, and eggs, and that somewhere along the line the whole shebang stopped, which was called menopause.
What were you doing 1 year ago?
One year ago, OmegaMom was thanking the Kozmik All that 2004 was over and done with, that Mr. OmegaMom seemed better, that OmegaDotter was happy and healthy, and that her self-imposed "I will stay at this administrative assistancing job for one full year so they get their money's worth out of me, then look for a computer job again" sentence was almost over with.
Five snacks I enjoy
- Toasted English muffins with peanut butter
- Freshly popped popcorn
- Donuts from Albertsons
- Peanut M&Ms
- A sop to the healthy eaters out there: crudites with dilly dip
- You're My Little Chu-Chi Face, from Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang
- Crystal, by Fleetwood Mac
- Take Me Home, Country Roads, by John Denver
- Jukebox Hero, by Foreigner
- Sunset Grill, by Don Henley
- (This doesn't count a kazillion Christmas carols and children's songs)
- Buy 40-100 acres around here someplace and build an Earthship
- Build a stained-glass making studio for Mr. OmegaMom
- Fund college funds for various nieces, nephews, and the dotter(s)
- Have a housemaid. Hmmm. This one should go first.
- Build a holistic spa (an entire post will be devoted to this one day)
- Don't be grossed out: I bite my toenails
- Smoking
- The Internet
- A sad tendency to not complete projects
- Getting out of touch with old friends and relatives
- Hiking
- Reading
- Writing
- Sleeping
- Baking
- Opium perfume
- Toe socks
- Clip-on earrings
- New central-heating system from a particular company in my town. Grrr.
- Any car; you can always find a car a year or two old which has been driven around town by a little old granny.
- The Creative Zen, of course
- New laptop
- Digital camera
- Don't laugh: Salad Shooter (the Omegas use this thing All. The. Time.)
- Google Groups Advanced Search, replacement for DejaNews, which has been an invaluable companion for OmegaMom's computing work. If you have a question about something, you can be sure someone else has asked that question already, and probably been answered.
posted by Kate @
1/13/2006 11:02:00 AM


At 1/13/2006 02:21:00 PM, Johnny said…
At 1/14/2006 02:16:00 PM, Miss Cellania said…
I never understood how one can bite said toenails. Yoga? I can barely reach my feet.