Thursday, January 12, 2006
Disaster recovery are us
OmegaMom would like to say hi back to all & sundry who posted a comment on the ol' bloggeroo. (Hi!) About 10% of the hitters on this blog shouted out, so it was a better response rate than most direct mailings! Blogging is an interesting biz; one doesn't necessarily get feedback, so sometimes it feels like you're just bellowing out your rants to the wind. An exercise in self-centered venting, as it were. OmegaMom must say, though, that not posting for a day causes her hits to plummet. Who'd'a thunk it?!
The posting lack is due to Big Things at work, aka Disaster Recovery. A hard drive crash on the server; spamspamspamspam on the main email server in the ITS department; nasty virus attack; and a bit of weirdness on the big database in my department kept me hopping.
On the homefront, Mr. OmegaMom has been out in the field (not out in left field, mind you, though he's there quite often, one of the things that makes me love him so much). As a result, OmegaMom has been a single mom for a few days, which always (a) makes her grumpy, and (b) cuts into her luxurious clicking time.
I have some topics noodling around in my head, so there will be more substance soon.