Thursday, January 19, 2006
Heart of darkness, part II
Muchas gracias for the commiseration.
OmegaMom no longer feels like ripping people's skin to shreds with her talon-like fingernails (grrrr!). This is a vast improvement.
On the other hand, OmegaMom had made a reacquaintance with migraines. Oh, joy.
Man, oh, man, this is all behaving very much like OmegaMom is about to be visited by an old friend who she was very happy to have seen the last of. (Please. No commentary about dangling participles. You try to reword that last phrase.)
posted by Kate @
1/19/2006 06:36:00 PM


At 1/19/2006 06:48:00 PM, preTzel said…
That sounds sucky Kate. I hope you're feeling better soon sweetie.