Happy Big
About two years ago, OmegaDotter began asking me, "Are you happy little or happy big?" "Happy little" is accompanied by the thumb-and-forefinger-an-inch-apart gesture. These days, I am happy to say, I am almost always "happy big". Contentment seems to be my thang right now. Yay. A little soupcon (how do I get the accent under that 'c'?) of excitement for the future adds to it. Anyway, if there were a way to bottle the feeling of contented-cat that I'm feeling these days--emotionally lolling in the sun, as it were--I think I'd make a fortune.Phoenix Rising?*
So for some odd reason, out of the blue, I decided I wanted to find Phoenix again. I was on an infertility listserv with her for eons. We were fairly good buds...then OmegaDotter erupted into our lives, and over time, my IF links became less frequently visited, then never visited at all. They just no longer were relevant to my life (sorry, IF folks, but that's what happens sometimes!). It wasn't a conscious thing, it just happened. Like drifting away from old friends. Anyway, I googled "Phoenix Amon", and, lo and behold, one of the hits was in a four-year-old post on an adoption blog I love, because the author writes thoughtful pieces about adoption, infertility, openness, race, etc. Does anyone know where Phoenix is? Other possible titles: "It's a Small World" or "Six Degrees of Separation".Social Butterflies
Amazingly for such a bunch of homebodies as we are, the weekends between now and New Year's are full to the brim. We have a "Lollipop concert" to go to next weekend--a kids' downsized version of "Peter and the Wolf". The next weekend, we have a guided tour of Arcosanti, Grandma's 102nd birthday party (woohoo!), and the Nutcracker. The weekend after that, we are headed to SoCal. Then, of course, there's Christmas. This is very unlike us.Christmastime is Coming
So Dyson is having this sweet special these days: purchase a brand new Dyson, and get a FREE!!! toy Dyson.
Well, dayum. Why didn't they have this neato-keeno freebie when I succumbed to my inner Yuppie this summer??
When OmegaDotter and I went to the mall to purchase frilly Christmas dresses and other stuff, we wandered through Sears. OmegaDotter was smitten with this stupid thing. As a result, I can almost understand the frenzies of the "gotta-have" Christmas toy.
I mean, I am almost tempted to spend $70 to get one of these things via a "Buy NOW!" on eBay. The kicker is that the folks in the UK and Australia can get them from their local toy stores--but can we U.S.ians? Oh, noooo. No, Dyson is having their lure-the-desperate-parents-in giveaway, deviously timed for the holiday season, and no toy stores in the U.S. are carrying them.
Wanna see this gem?
Image courtesy of one of the aforesaid UK toy stores, MailOrderExpress, which will gladly ship to Ireland, Wales, Scotland, the Guernsey Islands, but not to the U.S.
Bah. We do, however, have two Asian New Year barbies, courtesy of Amazon.com's two-for-one, which swept like wildfire through the Chinese adoption community, courtesy of a posting on The Big List.
And some horses.
Categories: [This 'n That] [Family] [Cuteness]

At 11/30/2005 08:30:00 PM, Kate said…
At 1/17/2009 09:59:00 PM, Dawn said…
Coincidentally, I found this post by googling Phoenix Amon--I've lost touch with her, too. Last I heard she had moved to Poughkeepsie, NY with her companion and dogs.
Life has changed a lot since those early ONNA days, hasn't it?
(Also, hi! I have no idea whether you even remember me, but I've since moved from Italy to, well, your general vicinity.) -
At 1/18/2009 12:51:00 AM, Kate said…
Yes, I was on ONNA! I kept up with her for a while after she stopped hanging around on the list--in fact, I sent her some pics and emails after we returned from China. That was two email addresses ago, and one or two email program bombs ago, so I no longer have her address. I was hoping that you might! There doesn't seem to be anything more recent under her name than late 2001.