People who adopt are regularly accused of "buying a baby".
Now, here's how to go about it.
Find yourself a small, extremely poor African country.
Offer that country millions of dollars to start an orphanage.
Mention that, oh, by the way, you'd like to adopt.
Watch the country trot out 12 likely candidates for you, and fall all over itself ignoring its own laws requiring out-of-country couples seeking to adopt to reside there for a year before applying.
At 10/14/2006 10:59:00 AM, MomEtc. said…
At 10/14/2006 02:49:00 PM, Scribbit said…
At 10/14/2006 06:58:00 PM, Unknown said…
At 10/15/2006 06:12:00 PM, Space Mom said…
At 10/16/2006 09:11:00 PM, Kate said…
MomEtc.--It does seem as if she waltzed right in, flashed the dollars, and waltzed right out with a baby. Wouldn't it be nice if it were that easy for everyone? (No, not really, but I do admit to envy at the ease.)
Scribbit--It does seem that way, doesn't it? Sort of the "thing to do de jour".
Frances--Actually, while I was on APC, I swear I saw a post or two by MR. I'm pretty sure she went through the whole wait, just like everyone else, as a result. (Of course, when I went searching, I couldn't find those posts, so maybe I'm imagining things. But I do remember reading someone's post and thinking, "Hunh...What would it be like going through life with Meg Ryan's name?")
Spacemom--Luckily, they were all babies, so it probably didn't sink in as to what was going on. I do think of The Cider House Rules--the scenes where the kids in the orphanage were all waiting to be chosen.
Gosh, Kate, I want to blog about this but I don't know where to begin. There are so many things wrong with what she's doing. It's disgusting.