As requested by a friend--"hair blowing in the wind": And the very happy OmegaDotter, admiring her new bike: For those who worry--Yes, she now has a helmet. Yes, she has various padded devices to keep the knobby parts safe. But. The helmet is too big. The various padded devices are too big. We're going to have to work on this, I think. Her tiny hiney is matched by other tiny parts, even though she's grown tall enough to actually fit into size 4, so long as it's an adjustable-waist size 4. The dotter is not very used to the idea of pushing back on the pedals to stop. And the bike, when going down small hills, Goes Too Fast. Just one more step on the "my little baby is growing up" sob story.
At 5/08/2006 07:21:00 PM, Johnny said…
At 5/08/2006 11:07:00 PM, oshee said…
At 5/08/2006 11:43:00 PM, said…
um.... the pics are adorable and I could just eat her she is so cute... and then I look back through them, thinking how cute she is, and I realize that on the "a surprise! For me?!" pic she... has.... her... hands.... in... her... pants....
....bringing me to wonder what kind of surprise she's thinking about!
Ok, the caption cracked me up, but I really love the pics and the bike is cute, though obscenely girly.
Helmet too big.... unheard of around here. All helmets are too small for my kid, who is Big of Head. -
At 5/08/2006 11:53:00 PM, Kate said…
At 5/08/2006 11:55:00 PM, Kate said…
PAGent, trust me, I will definitely do the helmet thing. As for leading by am ashamed to admit that my bike has been hanging in the garage for three years now, and I have no idea what condition it's in, so right now a helmet is kind of moot for me. I do, however, know what condition I am in, sigh. But it's time for mom's bike to come out of hibernation, and mom's flabby bod to get some exercise.
At 5/09/2006 04:16:00 PM, Miss Cellania said…
Nice and sweet.