A "good enough" mom muses about alpha moms, adoption, computers, the State Of The World, Internet quirkiness, and the Kosmik All
Ships that pass in the night
Mr. OmegaMom has been going out in the field quite often lately. Add this to his night class once per week, plus a tuckered-out OmegaMom falling asleep with OmegaDotter when putting her to bed, and the following vignette makes sense: OmegaMom and Mr. OmegaMom meet in the kitchen Wednesday morning. Mr. OmegaMom does a double-take, then holds out his hand. "Hi! My name's Mr. OmegaMom...Do I know you?" Sigh. Wednesday went downhill from there. There was OmegaDotter telling OmegaMom she stunk (as in smelled bad). There was the big gold Nissan Frontier that backed up into the Little Green Car's fender. OmegaMom, who had just gotten into the LGC and was putting it into gear to head out of the daycare parking lot, thought she had popped the clutch big time and wasn't quite sure how it had happened, when she heard a SCREECH BANG POP, turned her head, and saw the BGNF pulling itself off her fender. Then there was the hurried scramble to produce a "Welcome to big facilities management system!" powerpoint for a subgroup of the department that is switching over, while at the same time contacting the insurance company, the body shop, the car rental company, etc. Then there was the rental car attacking OmegaMom when she opened the driver-side door after picking up the dotter. Okay, it didn't attack, but the door is shaped like a pointy triangle, and is a different size than the LGC's door, and OmegaMom's body memory had her head right here when opening the door, which is where that pointy triangle wanted to go. (No biggie, just a cute little triangular dent by the side of the nose.) Then, in hopes of vegging out and recuperating from the day, OmegaMom bops onto the computer to do some mindless surfing, and discovers that, yet again, the cable has gone out for the time between 5:30 and 7:00 p.m. Thursday was better. Friday was better. But would I be a Bad Mommy to admit that I'm super glad to be going on a business trip next week? The mere thought of four nights of uninterrupted sleep...Ahhhh. Even if the trip is to a city in the middle of Tornado Alley in the springtime, the dream of luxurious, quiet hotel rooms is drifting through my head. But, after I get back, Mr. OmegaMom is out in the field the next week. Then we have a week together, then he has a field review for a week, then he's in Indiana for a fellowship for a week (woohoo! He applied on a lark, and got it, and he's pumped!), and then he has a soils workshop to go to the week after that. It sure would be nice to see him a bit more often.
posted by Kate @ 4/14/2006 07:42:00 PM  
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Name: OmegaMom
Home: Southwest
About Me: Middle-aged mom of a 4-year-old adopted from China. Love science, debate, good SF and fantasy, hiking, music of almost every style. Lousy housekeeper. "Good enough" mom.
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