Monday, December 19, 2005
Please bear with us... we strive to make your visit to OmegaMom's spot more relaxing and enjoyable...
(Envision a perky flight attendent, a la the Barbies in Toy Story, smiling widely.)
OmegaMom is trying to add categories to the blog. It seems that Blogspot has to re-index the website. It seems like this is going to take a while.
Why the heck won't Blogspot add a "categories" ability?!?!
Argh! It's still not working! I will give Blogspot Search ONE DAY to crawl my blog, and then see if there's another way to try to do the categories. Harrumph. Categories: [Bloggy Stuff]
Argh! It's still not working! I will give Blogspot Search ONE DAY to crawl my blog, and then see if there's another way to try to do the categories. Harrumph. Categories: [Bloggy Stuff]
posted by Kate @
12/19/2005 03:20:00 PM


At 12/20/2005 02:28:00 PM, Momma Star said…
As we all know I am horribly technically challenged, but "crawl my blog" strikes me as horribly funny. Like it's the latest in pick-up lines at the anime conventions.