Thursday, January 26, 2006
Watch out for Omegamom...
OmegaMom is in a kind of blogging limbo right now. Lots of topics tossing around in her head, no real focus on any of them yet. Here are some of the possible topics, in no particular order:
In the meantime, OmegaMom took the Personality Defect Test: Spiteful Loner You are 57% Rational, 14% Extroverted, 57% Brutal, and 28% Arrogant.
You are the Spiteful Loner, the personality type that is most likely to go on a shooting rampage. You are a rational person and tend to hold emotions in very low-esteem; not only that, but you are also rather introverted, meaning you probably bury any emotions you feel deep inside yourself. Combine these traits with your hatred of others and your brutality, and it seems that you would be quite likely to shoot innocent people in a rampage. Not only that, but you are also a very humble person--not a braggart at all--meaning you could possibly have low-self esteem. This is only yet one more incentive to go on a shooting rampage, because you wouldn't care if you died as a result. Granted, you probably haven't gone on a shooting rampage and probably never will, but all the motivations are there. In conclusion, your personality is defective because you are too introverted, brutal, insecure, and rather unemotional. No wonder no one hangs around you, you morbid, cold-hearted freak!
- Why would any smart woman want to conceal her smarts to Get A Guy? (courtesy of multiple reviewers of Maureen Dowd's Are Men Necessary?, many of which admit to not having read it.)
- Adoption ethics
- Why do people think lousy reproductive abilities mean you should Save The World? (The "there are so many neeeeeedy children in the U.S." comment.)
- International adoption as a type of colonialism
- Let me psychoanalyze this cereal box... (People--like OmegaMom--who tend to think and talk and think and talk about every possible aspect of a particular issue, then get accused of not letting their children be children because they're thinking the issue to death.)
- LASIK is much better than sliced bread
- The holistic spa daydream
- What is it about llamas and alpacas?
In the meantime, OmegaMom took the Personality Defect Test: Spiteful Loner You are 57% Rational, 14% Extroverted, 57% Brutal, and 28% Arrogant.

To put it less negatively: 1. You are more RATIONAL than intuitive. 2. You are more INTROVERTED than extroverted. 3. You are more BRUTAL than gentle. 4. You are more HUMBLE than arrogant.
Your exact opposite is the Televangelist.
Other personalities you would probably get along with are the Capitalist Pig, the Smartass, and the Sociopath.
Hunh. I'd have thought I'd be the Haughty Intellectual, myself. Guess it was admitting that I get angry easily that slipped me over to the "brutal" side. Then again, I could have been The Robot, instead.
posted by Kate @
1/26/2006 01:13:00 PM


At 1/26/2006 06:09:00 PM, said…
Somehow I don't quite see you as the type to get along fabulously with a capitalist pig! :)
I should take that quiz and see where I stand these days. I am afraid I've been crawling into my shell a bit more (not necessarily bad when you've been loud and outgoing all your life!).